Copyright © Clautje West 2000
All rights reserved

During one of my flights back from the US to the Netherlands I had been able to take a seat next to the window, not without some pursuasive arguments towards the kids.

We had a beautiful flight that took place mostly during the day. The flight took us over mountains, lakes, the ocean, and many other splendid sights.

Fortunatly the kids were sleeping during the most beautiful parts of the trip, giving me the opportunity to take a lot of photos.

The peacefullness that reflects from these photos is enormous, at least in my opinion.

It shows a planet in it's purest form, hiding the mistakes made by mankind in a blanket of clouds.

Although I was rapidly put back in reality when my son needed his third barfbag, I still have been staring in awe to all the impressive exhibitions of pure beauty by nature.

An exhibition of the simple but still extraordinary landscapes.